Best 3 React JS Projects for Beginners



What is this?

This resource is your guide to project ideas to help push your coding journey. Some of the projects like building a website, creating a custom hook, and adding search to your existing website will help give you motivation for ways to learn by doing. While a lot of tutorials and project ideas on the internet help you learn a tool, they often have you building the same thing over and over — like a to-do app. We’re taking a different approach here, where each project is something you might find out in the real world with a project brief like you might find on the job.


Why is this?

A lot of developers struggle with a similar pain point — they want to build more projects, but they just don’t know what to build. One of the best ways to grow as a developer is to keep building as it gives you immediate hands on experience with the tools you’ll use in your career. The goal of 50 Projects is to provide both aspiring and seasoned developers with an idea that will allow them to learn a new tool or develop skills to start their career.


Who is this for?

Those who want to learn. You should have at least a basic understanding of React or be willing to learn while doing. Ultimately, the examples and tutorials are based in React but the projects should be suitable for any language or framework you’d like to work in. All of the projects here give you an opportunity to put real-world use cases into practice with a foundational starting point. The hope is that this eBook will help you prepare yourself by learning new tools while building projects that could actually exist!


How do I get started?

Picking a project

Try not to think too hard and stress out over which project you start with. The good news, is you’ll always have this list — so if you get started on one and it isn’t for you, you can easily come back and try another. Later on, you’ll also find that there are some Track ideas to help get you started. These Tracks are a ”recipe” that you can follow to achieve a larger goal with a mix of multiple projects.


Blasting up each level

All projects have 3 distinct levels to complete as part of the project challenge. Want to try a bunch of different projects? Maybe you’ll only complete Level 1 for each project. Want to play completionism? Try finishing all 3 levels for each project! Each level will bring you a new challenge to the project that you can build on from the last.


Picking the right tools


Tools & frameworks

While each project specifies some ideas of what tools you can use, these aren’t requirements. You can use whatever tools you want to work through each project. That said, part of the goal is to learn, so trying out one of the projects with a tool you never used before could be a good way to get your feet wet with a new framework or tool!


Taking advantage of resources

Each project has a set of resources that are there to help you along the way. This includes tutorials, documentation, or other kinds of information that can help you learn through an existing project or demo that follows a similar track as the project itself. Try giving each project a shot without the resources! If you get stuck, you know it’s there to help.


Starting with the right layout

There’s a layout idea you can use for each project. While it’s not required to be used, working from a set of wireframes or general idea of a layout is a good way to understand the direction you’re taking on a project. Feeling like you want an extra challenge? Try recreating the layout with more detail in a tool like Figma before you dive into the code.



01) Business & Real-World

• Marketing Website

02) Personal & Portfolio

• Resume / CV Website

03) Clones

• Twitter

 Let's Start

01) Business & Real-World

Marketing Website

Create a marketing website landing page and for a technology product.


The marketing team for the company you work for just launched a new product. They need a detailed marketing plan that includes a website and landing page dedicated to driving people to learn about the product and ultimately purchase it.

Level 1

Having a website is a great way to showcase a product with the ability to provide as many details as possible. Create a new website that highlights the great features of the product and provides in-depth information about each feature. The pages should include: • Homepage with photograph and high level overview • Feature pages linked from homepage with more details

Level 2

Just because you made a website, doesn’t automatically mean people will purchase the product. Create a landing page as part of the marketing website that drives people to sign up with a form for more information.

Level 3

Ultimately people need to purchase or sign up for the product and to do that, they need a way to contact the sales team. Create a new page with a form that will allow people to contact the company if interested in the product. Include a “Call to Action” link at the bottom of every page on the website except for the contact page itself that links to the contact page.



  • v  Think of a product name
  • v  Gather free pictures
  • v  Create a homepage
  • v  Create feature pages
  • v  Create a landing page
  • v  Add a signup form
  • v  Create a contact page
  • v  Add a contact form
  • v  Add contact links to site



  1. ·        Unsplash
  2. ·        Pexels
  3. ·        Gatsby
  4. ·       TakeShape CMS


Layout Idea

02) Personal & Portfolio

 Resume / CV Website

Create a with your website work experience that can be used as a or .


You’re looking for a new job in the tech world. Every company asks for a resume. You also think it’s a good idea to make it available publicly and a great way to do that is to demonstrate your development skills by creating a resume website.


Level 1

The most important information on a resume is your contact information, skills, and work experience or education. Create a new website that provides a way for a potential employer to contact you and a list of all of your skills and relevant experience.


Level 2

When companies look for new candidates, they also like to know a little bit about who they are as a person. Update your resume website to include links to social accounts that show your interests and include personalized touches that represent you as a person.

Level 3

You like to work on code on your free time. You’ve created some open source projects or at least have contributed to some. Update your resume website to include links to GitHub projects to show what you’re working on. Bonus: make it automatically update sorted by star count.



  • v  Create a new website
  • v  Add contact information
  • v  Add work experience
  • v  Add education
  • v  Add social links
  • v  Add personality
  • v  Add GitHub projects
  • v Automate GitHub sort



GitHub Actions


03) Clones


Create a Twitter  clone that post public messages.



Twitter is one of a few social media giants that have captivated the world. Every day there’s about a half of one billion tweets that get published between everyone’s feeds. But what if we want our own private Twitter where we keep our data?

Level 1

The main differentiator is Twitter is made up of a bunch of short messages that represent someone’s expression at a moment in time. Create a page of short messages that you can dynamically add new content with a database.

Level 2

We’ve all seen what happens when someone’s Twitter account gets hacked, we don’t want that to happen to our page. Require authentication with a login form in order to gain access to add new messages.

Level 3

Your messages are getting pretty lively, but you’re sending them out all by yourself. What if we made it more fun by inviting some of our friends? Add the ability to create new accounts allowing others to post messages to their own page.



  • v  Create page of messages
  • v  Create database
  • v  Store content in database
  • v  Request content from DB
  • v  Create message form
  • v  Add new messages to DB
  • v  Add authentication
  • v  Require account login
  • v  Add create account form
  • v Create new accounts

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